946 Main Street,
Hackensack, NJ 07601
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It’s Never Too Late to Breathe and Reboot
Construction Season is Here: Start This Year Off Right
1) Take a Breather.
2) Take Advantage of Us: We Won’t Mind.
From large companies to small, we’ve had a lot of people call us and ask for advice on how they should be set up to run an account. From the moment you land that customer to fulfillment, we have a customizable plan that can work for you.
3) Reboot.
Once you’re done evaluating, take the time to reboot your systems and implement the new ones you’ve now discovered..
Take a Breather
What I’m about to confess is going to sound awfully girly – and I’ll blame it on my wife’s obsession with watching reruns of her favorite show.
One of my favorite quotes comes from an episode of “Sex and the City.”
Specifically, there’s an episode where Carrie has relationship trouble with her boyfriend of the day. In this episode Carrie’s computer crashed, leading to relationship and worklife catastrophe. Once her computer was fixed and her relationship was back on track she said, “The best we can do is breathe and reboot.”
You never know when you’re going to have to take a deep breath and reboot – whether it’s your computer, your love life, or your business. In fact, if you’ve been in business long enough, there have probably been countless times when you’ve had to breathe and reboot – in the form of a new strategy, a new obstacle, or a new goal.
No matter how long you’ve been in business or how many projects you’ve completed, it’s never too late to revamp your strategy. Sure, some customers may be lost forever due to prior unfortunate incidents, but that’s the great thing about our industry – there are hundreds of thousands of companies to attract, impress, and do business with.
Take Advantage of Us – We Won’t Mind
Over the years, we’ve had a lot of people call us up and ask how their accounts management systems should be set up. Many have even asked to outsource it to us!
While everyone’s business is different and requires additional considerations, we learned a few things that you can use to keep your accounts in-line all the time.
1) Start with reliable credit checks.
Most companies want reliable credit checks, but D&B reports aren’t interactive and are often stale. We provide a detailed credit memo that provides you with an intelligent report on the business that is applying for credit: we call their references, we take a look at their accounts, and we get the answers that you just can’t get when you run a static D&B report.
2) ALWAYS send a Notice to Owner at the beginning of each project. Yes, we mean ALWAYS! Notices to Owners often are forgotten in the flurry of starting a new project: Put us on your list of things to do at the beginning of a project. Forgetting to send that Notice to Owner or prelien notice can have a devastating effect on your lien rights. If filling out the online form is too time consuming, email or fax us a copy of the purchase order or face page of your contract. If we have any additional questions, we’ll let you know.
3) The 60 Day Rule for Liens and Follow Up Management: Don’t waste time negotiating with someone who isn’t willing to pay. Most states require that liens be filed within 90 days of your last date of work. Some states allow as little as 60 to 75 days for residential work. Run your receivables monthly, and if someone is 60 days late with payment, give yourself some leverage and file a lien or a bond claim. It’s also often a good time to refer it to collections, but that’s your call. Keep in mind that the longer you wait, the harder it is to collect the money.
So, how do you know if it’s time to breathe and reboot?
Think about your current system. Is it squarely-focused on ensuring that you are signing up with the right customers? Is it keeping your receivables under 5%? If it’s not, it’s time to breathe and reboot! Remember, no one is going to pay you if they don’t have to. If you’re not staying on top of your business, you can’t expect the customer to come to you that they don’t have the qualifications for you to extend them credit.
Before the season gets busy, take some time to step back and breathe; take a look at our suggestions to see if you’re on the right track; then take some time to implement the changes and reboot. You’ll be happy you did.