In Missouri, unpaid contractors have 6 months to file a mechanic’s lien, but in while in Kansas unpaid contractors have 3 or 4 months to file a mechanics lien, depending on whether they are a general contractor or subcontractor.
Missouri’s mechanic’s lien claimants have to serve a pre-lien notice on the owner,; Kansas has no preliminary notice requirements.
But are the substantive requirements of the mechanics lien different in the two States? The answer, of course, is yes. Missouri requires a “just and true account” to be included in a subcontractor mechanic’s liens. In Kansas, the amount due must be itemized and submitted with the lien.
For more information on what Kansas requires for the filing of a Kansas mechanics lien, check out LienItnow’s Kansas lien information pages.
For information on what Missouir requires for the filing of a Missouri mechanics lien, check out LienItnow’s Missouri lien information pages.